There! See the line of lights,
Sara Teasdale
A chain of stars down either side the street —
Why can’t you lift the chain and give it to me,
A necklace for my throat? I’d twist it round
And you could play with it. You smile at me
As though I were a little dreamy child
Behind whose eyes the fairies live. . . .

Sunset gives way to twilight and the light gets more interesting and mysterious. The skies are dark but not dark enough for the stars. This is the third set of pictures featuring Nataly on a warm day in March. After you enjoy this set check out the first and second set links below.

Sometimes the most random images turn out to be the most compelling. I have often thought that the best captures are when nobody is thinking about taking pictures. This includes not only the model but the photographer – as this accidental shutter button push shows!
Maybe we didn’t see the Green Flash – but the magic of color LUTs allow us to see the world any way we want!
Our last set of the evening blended multiple strobe lights with the lighting all around Neenah and the Fox River.
Here are the first set and the second set of galleries in this series – enjoy!
You can see more of my work with some of the Fox Valley’s most amazing models on my Modeling Page
I am accepting bookings for projects in 2024 – Contact Me to discuss your project!
You can check out another portrait session with Nataly blog