It is Monday morning, again, and I am having some Monday morning thinking going. So many questions in my mind. Where are you going? What’s next? Should I change my career? Will I have enough money? What do I like doing and why not do more of that?
I look at the picture above and my heart wants to create art. I think I managed to capture that “something” in her face and that is the reward for being a photographer. Could I do this again or was it just luck? And the biggest question is could I make a doing this or should I keep my “day job”?

Capturing Sparks
Photography, for me, is all about capturing sparks. What do I mean by sparks? I believe that we all have been created by God. When God made us He put a little bit of Himself in each and every one of us – that is the spark! Some people show that spark in everything they do. They share their spark with everyone they meet. Other people only bring out their spark for special occasions. It is almost like they are afraid their spark will lose something if they show it too much. However, there are some people who do everything they can to kill that spark. It is almost like they have a sign that says “Keep Out – No Trespassing”.

So… What’s Next?
First off, I will finish this blog post and get to work! My day job pays the bills and it is also a chance to show off my little spark. Second, Monday morning thoughts are just daydreams if you don’t have a plan. I need to think about a plan and then execute it!
Anyhow… Happy Monday Morning!