Dateline: Annecy France, on the shores of beautiful Lake Annecy.
People talk about their dream jobs or dream careers. I don’t know if I have had a dream career but I have had a pretty good time. Maybe my fantasy career would be “International Wedding Photographer”. Jetting off to romantic and beautiful spots with the rich and fmaous.. and of course earning a seven figure income!
I shoot this photo in Annecy France at a romantic wedding on the shores of Lake Annecy. Does that qualify me an International Wedding Photographer? I think so…
The interesting thing is the look of love and joy on their faces is the same in France as it is in Menasha. So the real of of being part of a wedding is the love and the location doesn’t matter. So maybe it doesn’t matter whether I am jumping in a Gulfstream G650 for a wedding shoot in Paris or jumping in the Chevy Silverado for a shoot in Appleton – the best part is the same in both places.
Please note, if you are planning a wedding in Paris and need a photographer I am available!
Checkout my Wedding page and Portfolio.
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