Cinestill 800 film is not an ideal portrait film. It is used for unpredictable colors especially at night. Well, one of the reasons I shoot film is to get something unexpected and unpredictable. So I just went ahead and shot a model on Cinestill 800 film!
So I met Wisconsin model Dreamera Marie in downtown Appleton for a film shoot one evening. We were extremely lucky as the weather was just beautiful for a late Fall evening. Of course, the warm evening also brought out a few interesting characters. Especially ones who had a bit too much to drink or smoke or something. But your noble photographer went into protective Father Jeff mode and chased the slightly aggressive, but mostly harmless, individual away. Nobody is going to mess with my model!
As I mentioned Cinestill is not a portrait film because it is not “flattering” to most skin tones. But as creatives we seek the new and unexpected and different so let’s go! So we loaded up my trusty 1980 Bronica ETRSi, 50mm and 150mm lenses and shot away.
The shot above is so interesting! Yes hew skin is glowing orange but so were the lights on the Trout Museum. 1/4 second exposure so a bit of blur but that just adds to the fun!

This next shot was by a fountain with a red waterfall behind Danielle. Yes, the light was red and yes there is water falling. The skin tones here are actually nice and the trippy colors are just amazing.

Next is a more traditional looking model photo in front of the museum. Here the colors are actually pretty tame. Why they are not that exciting or different is a mystery to me…

For reasons I don’t understand people seem to love taking a picture of gas stations with Cinestill 800 film. Maybe it it the lights and colors. Anyhow, we passed a station on the way home and hod to stop for a few quick pictures. Yes, she is a bit dark in this picture but still a fun scene.

Here is a final shot – taken by Danielle! Your humble photographer in his “go to” pose! What is special here is how amazing the shot was. Danielle is an excellent photographer and I think is a better “shot” than I am!
See the entire gallery below!
Check out my Fox Valley Modeling page
Also see more Film Photography