Freight Train Moonrise

The best laid plans of mice and men

Go often askew,

And leave us nothing but grief and pain,

For promised joy!

Robert Burns

August full moon and I was ready!  It was a beautiful night in Oshkosh – just perfect!  Temp was around 80, modest humidity and there was music playing at Waterfest.  I arrived on time and set up the perfect shot.  I would capture the full moon rising between the girders of the rail road bridge across the Fox River.  This would be an awesome shot with the diagonal bridge outlined acaings the darkening sky.  I used Google Sky to line up the shot and had my 400mm lens all set up.

The moon peeked over the hills on the far side of Lake Winnebago – and I was ready.

Then it happened!  In the distance I heard the triple blast of the warning horn, a train was coming and the bridge started to drop!  My perfect shot ruined!  I ran to a new position and caught a few shots – not bad but not what I wanted.

Then I turned around and saw the Main Street Bridge.  How wonderful it looked in the moonlight.   Turned out to be a pretty nice picture (hanging on my office wall right now).

Life is like that sometimes.  You plan and scheme and just as things look good something happens.  You can either get mad or you can get busy.  I try and get busy!


Thursday Night in Oshkosh


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